The Bread of Life
Fbmail with GiGi =]
Today's cell group sharing was pretty good! =D Cephas' sharing was really helpful to me actually...he talked about our motivation for "drawing near to Him". Is it to get inspiration to share in a cell group? Or a message meeting? Are you reading the bible only so you can have something to share with your "sheep"? Are you really spending enough quality time before the Lord or are there only snatches of brief connection?
You know how we talked about the Lord being the Bread of Life? =] He is our source of spiritual food and satisfaction, and so we really need to stay before the Lord to enjoy, to taste His love [haha your Psalm 34:8], not just see it and then walk away. Just like fast food isn't good for us, fast spiritual food isn't good either =P.
Actually, going back to the tasting His love point, i saw a short film that helped me meditate...
The 5 senses actually bring two lovers progressive closer...First, sight - they meet each other. Second, hearing - they start to talk, communicate. After many hours of getting to know each other, they develop love, an affection. And third touch - they now hug or hold hands or stroke the face lovingly. Fourth smell - they have been around each other long and close enough to recognise each other by their smell... Then finally, taste - they kiss each other on the mouth and indulge each other's love~
Haha that's why i love the SOS "taste" descriptions of our's the most intimate contact, the closest experience. But wahhhhh...the fact that we can experience His love in all these ways is...very awesome x]
But what's even more WOW-ing is that we really have a 6th sense!!! The sense of the spirit =].
i'm impressed by john 6/33-35, here's my thought:
as i mentioned... verse 33, thx for baba's salvation plan, and juju's real action to became a man!! THEY want us to be 滿足, in order for themsevles to be 滿足 =] and with this "bread", we are satiated!! and when i meditate it in eng, it's a bread.... and i'm always touched when i see the bread broken during BBM ;)
verse 34, truly, His love is so attractive and 美麗,, so that ppl will surely want it ALWAYS. And i guess with this response (be infront of him and ask him always), he will be so 開心. And such response will capture his whole heart!! that he cant wait to "pour" all the GOOD things and "stuff" us ar >w<
as i mentioned... verse 33, thx for baba's salvation plan, and juju's real action to became a man!! THEY want us to be 滿足, in order for themsevles to be 滿足 =] and with this "bread", we are satiated!! and when i meditate it in eng, it's a bread.... and i'm always touched when i see the bread broken during BBM ;)
verse 34, truly, His love is so attractive and 美麗,, so that ppl will surely want it ALWAYS. And i guess with this response (be infront of him and ask him always), he will be so 開心. And such response will capture his whole heart!! that he cant wait to "pour" all the GOOD things and "stuff" us ar >w<
verse 35, it's so precious that himself is our bread,, he doesnt only want us to have 生命, but also to have a 豐盛生命(abundant life) =] thx that his bosom is really my sweet rest. I can constantly rest and be strengthened by this bread!!! actually, i really linked the verses to psalm 34/8-10 gaa (that is a song lai gaa =P) i love verse 8 in chinese: 你們要嘗嘗主恩的滋味,便知道他是美善,投靠他的人有福了! i love every single word in this sentence!!! let me explain to u if there are words that u dont understand =]