Creator < creation ?!?!

If you were in a car crash, would you die for your car?
If you were in a cyclone, would you die for your house?
Would man die for something that man had made?
But I tell you, God died for those whom He made.

If we were to choose which to save,
Would it be ourselves or the things our own hands have made?
Then has God become mad? What was He thinking?
Is His love for us blind? Absolutely not!

He can see you so crystal clear;
The ineffable abundance of His love life with you.
For when He thought of eternity, He thought of you.
He cannot live without you, for He is LOVE.

He has already proclaimed your worth to Him!
To Him, you are worth more than His very own life!
How is it possible that a creation's worth exceeds its Creator's?
But truly, nothing is impossible in God. =]

So please, my friend, respond to Him!
How long has He been waiting, craving your "YES!"?
His heart racing, pounding, on your door, knocking
Desperately yet gently, "Open your heart to Me..."

Meeting God is seeing His love demonstrated.
Knowing God is experiencing that it was for you.
Accepting God is believing that it is always for you.
Loving God is never leaving it =].



This poem's inspiration was a realisation that staggered me in a car trip to Uni.
With gospel-ish content, this poem hopes to challenge both ourselves and others to think about the shocking unreservedness of God's love, and how its infinite volume is all for you, personally. =]
Some of this will possibly be read-out against background music/beat as opposed to being sung [particularly the beginning verses].

May They render you speechless like They do so to me.



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