A reminder to self:

Have an attitude that desires enjoyment from BaBa, JuJu & LingLing =]. Whether it be DNG, worship, SDLPPs, bible-reading, singing songs. Slow down!
Enjoy...taste..."depp"...wait for each tastebud to finish indulging...
Don't leave until you have tasted that love is better than wine, better than life; until you are drawn away, held, captivated; until you run after Him; until you want to cause all the virgins taste that same love, to love Him, to run after Him.

Be still.
Wait upon the Lord =].

A feast, a buffet is awaiting me x].

20100606 addition:

Hehe...every morning...BaBa has cooked us all this food...MORE THAN WE CAN TASTE! And He prepared with such detailed love..."sum gei", and He's been waiting all that time when we're sleeping, waiting for us to finally wake up! And enjoy the breakfast He made for us. And it's such a waste if we just run away to do our own stuff, without even looking at BaBa, let alone thanking Him ><. His heart is so hurt x(, so "seung sum". *Another morning's breakfast into the bin...*sighz** And instead of His healthy breakfast that we were created to benefit from, we eat fast food that is harmful to our body.

You are what you eat.

Eat the Bread of Life =]. You will become like the Lord =].


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