Fiji, Perth or Sydney?

A question only God can answer...

After months of running around between Fiji, Perth and Sydney [in our minds], GiGi, Louis and myself have decided to stay in Sydney these July holidays. The decision was not easy, but we made it with perfect peace in the end =]. Thank you for your guidance^^
"They made me the keeper of the vineyards,
But my own vineyard I have not kept."

I must say, I will miss Fiji A LOT. It was where I fell in love with Him...And I will miss the chance to worship with Vancouver & team b+s who all love Them so very much...And I will miss out on seeing the GREAT WORK OF HIS MIGHTY HAND in Fiji! But I have been away from home every holiday since my breakthrough last year. I must tend to my own vineyard in Sydney x].

I know His work in Sydney will be no less! x] I am certain of it. REVIVAL IS HERE IN OCEANIA!!! Yesterday at prayer meeting, I felt my faith in Him SOAR! I felt empowered by Jesus' very own faith, saw the GLORY, the JOY of what is coming SO SOON! My Spirit was hurled high into the air by His PASSION! YES! AMEN! I WANT THIS LORD! I WANT THIS!!!!
My heart leapt whilst feeling the contentment of His heart at the thought of our love response...Oh Lord...Your heart is melting honey...
My heart, my thoughts, completely consumed by this GLORIOUS HOPE. AMEN!!! My fist struck the air, my cry pierced the air, again and again. YESSSSS!!! I HAVE FAITH IN YOU!!!!!! I HAVE FAITH IN YOUR FAITH IN ME!

This is the work of God that we are doing!!!
If God is for us, who can be against us?!?!
It's true, He is most patient yet most passionate.
And He is never late.
The God who gave us SUCH GLORIOUS ASTOUNDING BREAKTHROUGHS, whose POWER and MIGHT we have witnessed in the past, YOU ARE THIS SAME GOD who will lead us to victory in our path ahead!!!
You are the First and the Last!
You are the infinite source of glory! In You, we fly from glory to glory! You are the Author and Finisher of this revival!
Be still and know that I am God.
And My method is man.

Thank you for the inner chamber as well as the vineyard.
Thank you for the Shulamite as well as the virgins.
We will taste Your love to be better than wine, together. We will remember Your love more than wine. We will run after You. We will be glad, content and rejoice in You. Rightly do we love You.

I sigh...utterly satiated...patiently in wait for these glorious days...
My every day is so hopeful x]
Thank you. =]

Come north wind! Come south wind! Blow onto my garden.
This is Your vineyard.
These are the fruits which I have laid up for You, my Lord =], new and old. Come and taste its pleasant fruits!

I so treasure that we fell in love in SOS and now, after all this time, we are still in SOS x]. We will never leave the honeymoon phase~
In the beginning, you brought me into Your inner chambers.
Today, this morning, I hold your hand and lead you to our vineyard. =]
Vinaka =]


Details of my decision in an email to a sister a few days ago...

I'm SO SO SO SADDENED and sorry to tell you that I won't be going to Fiji this year! :'(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( I know...I am absolutely heart-broken... I'd always planned to go Fiji, like I was CERTAIN. But in Easter, through one of the sharings by Perth family, the Spirit gave me a calling to go Perth and help out with the English ministry there. And at first, I was a little reluctant, but I told Him I didn't long as I'm loving You x]. hahaa... And so for the past few months, I've been asking Them for my direction these coming holidays and basically, we've tossed ourselves between Fiji to Perth to Fiji to Perth and finally, now we're gonna stay in Sydney. HAHAHAHHA xD I know right?

The older b+s encouraged me and a sister GiGi to stay 'cause the need in Sydney is also very great. The need is great with the 20 or so second-gen high school b+s, as well as a lot of new/young high school believers. And the gospel door in both high school and uni is opening. There is just simply not enough manpower to shepherd them if we left. And also, about 7 or so b+s are in their last yr of high school, so this year is quite crucial to the revival, 'cause they'll be much more free next year in uni and I can really see an EXPLOSION in our uni group! And then hopefully I will go back to Fiji next year with a lot more b+s with me xD hahaha...instead of just myself hahaaa.

Sydney is such an important place x]. It's Oceania's "big church" and we have a lot of potential manpower and financial resources. We just need our hearts to be ignited =]. And once this revival kicks off, we'll be flooding into Fiji to help =], and ease HK, Van and you guys a bit with the financial support so you guys can move ahead with Zambia, Nepal & India!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, actually, I am really really thankful that I got to choose between Fiji, Perth and Sydney. It's a BIG JUMP from last year when I was reluctant to go anywhere at all! Did you know that I didn't want to go Fiji [the July one], which was my first missionary trip, because I didn't want miss out on time with my friends for 2 weeks!?!??! But after Their obvious calling and encouragements from the older b+s, I eventually decided to go. And OH WOW! Look at the results! Truly...WAYYY BEYOND what we can ask or imagine!

So my 1st trip, it was making the decision to go Fiji. Then my 2nd trip, it was deciding between staying in Syd or going Fiji. And this time, it was Fiji, Perth or Syd! Haha, and I guess since both previous times I ditched Syd, I should stay this time x]. My home needs me...x] But yeah...HEHEHEHE...I really can't wait x]x]x] We have SUCH a glorious, boastful HOPE! Nothing we do in our life are in vain =]. They treasure us so much...

One day, our Beloved will proclaim His admiration for us in front of all His friends and family x] [ahhaha Abraham, Moses, David...and His family...BaBa & LingLing and all b+s!!! xD] And He will hold your hand and say "I do." x]

Haha...waiting waiting...waiting for our wedding...waiting to go toronto...waiting for this REVIVAL!!!!!!! =D=D=D HAHAHHAHA I'm LOOK FORWARD to SO MANY THINGS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hehe, They are my motivation =]. They are my hope. They are my purpose. They are my life.
"Oh such great love is the foundation of my faith! Oh such great love is the drive all through my life! Oh such great love draws me away from worldy cares. Oh such great love binds my heart to His as one." Hallelujah =]

With utter contentment and unshakeable peace in our boastful hope from Them! hahaaa Your sis,
melzZzzz =D!!!



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