BarBar I love You! xP

There was an experience from a couple of weeks ago that I always wanted to share here but kept on forgetting. It is one of my most unforgettable memories with Baba x] Heheheee E>E>E>

During the period of exams, i experienced Their presence greatly! On the first day, on the way to the showgrounds where i was having the exam, i kept on saying "Baba i love you! Baba i LOVE YOU!" and i'd giggle [LOL] and smile at Him and i kept on calling Baba, kept on calling His name...and as i was approaching the hall, there were these tent stalls that were set up for selling things, but they were closed. And there was only one stall that had a banner, and as i was walking past it, it read "Bar Bar" and it was SO FUNNY cos i kept on saying Baba baba baba and then this tent comes along and reads baba too LOL and i laughed out loud at Him xD

Our Baba really had a sense of humour =] and i felt that He really DELIGHTS IN ME SO MUCH! xDxD He DELIGHTS and INDULGES in my calling of His name, my attention towards Him...and He just can't help but respond to me ehhehehehe I LOVE HIMMMM!!! xDxDxD

Haha it was actually a bar to sell alki but yeah...i felt how personal His love to me was kekekee...

/edit: 20091030. Pictures i took today of my diary entry from that day xP

/end edit

Truly, everyday, more and more i'm experiencing the lyrics [from Love like a rainbow] "Your love unique and personal". Everyday They pour Their gifts to me! " bountiful...from morn to dusk..."

I really can't wait to get a better camera/video camera to film stuff and make videos and cartoons to share my experiences not merely through text but through the medium of film heheee...I hope it works out xP
I love sharing about my life with Them, because in this way, I so naturally GIVE THANKS and PRAISE Them and GLORIFY THEM hehehehhe.

And to think that I have an eternity of experiences with Them...WOW...................



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