final[s] procrastination

i never luvo
and i don't update my blog much

but recently, these are happening like crazy and this is what finals do to you...
is this called "taking it out on your blog"?


well...i like my's my space [lol -_-"]...i feel much less restricted than on fb...where basically i feel uncomfortable spamming my own wall under the scrutiny of many around me...<- lol - hyperbolised sorry. but i weirdly, yet truly and seriously don't like / feel extremely self-conscious about spamming my wall cos i don't want to bombard people visiting my wall LOLLL, even though i do's because i have too much to say/share from Them...xD i wanna keep those sharings outflowing, yet i don't want b+s to miss or digest too quickly any of them [that they don't get enough time to 'depp'/indulge in the sharing to the extent that i could xD] cos every revelation They gave me are SO PRECIOUS!!!
so i "time" my posts sometimes...LOL i sound like some control freak xD
heh. well anyway, so i guess those who wanna "hear" more can come here hehe...]

aside from procrastination, i think it's satan's distractions too >.>>>
FACEBOOK BAN for the next - wed thu fri sat - FOUR DAYS
heed my words [<- to self LOL.]
i am determined to do this...
i promised Them xD


this is my FINALsss procrastination

hehe gotta scoot scoot otherwise 靈靈打我patpat ga la!!! xD x] E>E>E>

p.s. funny how i took these pics BEFORE i wrote this entry xD


karen said…
lol melody!

go to study :) get good grades for the Lord.

you look so cute in your pictures

I love you, MelodY!
Christy Z said…
Hello CUTIE! ;)

...and I agree with ur mom, u do look like a 14 years old! HAHA! XD

STOP the procrastination!!! Ace all the exams! =)
melzZz said…
thanks so much my dear sisters x]

haha christy! a surprise visit from you on my blog! hehehe E> can't wait to luvo with you liveeeeeee xP

haha we're all in different cities!!! =D truly GLOBAL loveee God's beautiful globe of loveee x] E>

+ oil for both of you too! =]

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